Tonight's message from the Go-Tell Crusade happening in my town was very eye opening.
Here's a terrifying statistic: 90% of Christians have never led another person to Christ.
People can be seen as sitting in 1 of 4 chairs.
Chair 1: These are the Christians who are on fire for God. They have surrendered their lives
to him. They allow Him to guide their entire life and do everything that they can to
live their lives in accordance to his will. They understand how amazing their lives
are simply by following the path that God has set in front of them. They know how
important it is to go out and spread God's love with others plus they want to
because they are just that excited to have God as their Lord and Savior. They strive
each day to be a better Christian each and every day.
Chair 2: These are the Christians who have gotten a bit too comfortable. They will say that
they have trusted in God yet they do not try to work on improving their relationship
with Him. They stick with the status quo of going to church on Sundays. They will
say that they love Jesus but will not stand up for him. They do not spread His love.
They will say that they love Jesus but certain places are not the right place to talk
about Him. God teaches us that as Christians we should stand up and spread His
love regardless of the place or situation. It is sad that there are Christians who will
remain silent if they are afraid of being ridiculed or talking about God may not be
popular. However, look at what Jesus did for us. He was ridiculed, beaten, and
eventually died on the cross for us. People being scared of being judged for loving
Jesus isn't anything compared to what He had to endure.
Chair 3: These are the people who say they are Christians. However, if they were to
honestly ask themselves if they died at this very moment, they could not be 100%
sure if they were going to heaven or hell. They may go to church. They do good
works and even help others. They say they live for God but in reality they only do
when it's convenient. They are lying to God, themselves, and to others.
Chair 4: These are the non Christians. As Christians, we should be reaching out to these
people and telling them about Jesus. Personally, I would love to know that I have
brought someone into the Kingdom of God. I do admit that I have a hard time with
this especially being as quiet and shy as I am. However, I know that I should allow
God to give me the courage and strength to spread his word. That's why I am doing
this Blog. I pray and hope I can help someone to come to Christ someday.
I don't know about anyone else but I really want to sit in Chair 1! This kinda puts things in perspective doesn't it?!